April 1, 2011

Spring School Picture Day

Today was picture day at Poe Elementary School.....Freweini choose well and threw in a little flair with her headband (thanks, Godmother Laura!)  She's become quite photogenic lately and is really caring about her appearance and picking out her own clothes.  Class photos were also taken today - this kindergarten class is something special and they have a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Williamson - I hope Freweini will never forget her first school year.  I remember certain things about kindergarten:  I was almost as tall as my teacher, Mrs. Sheckles; there was a kid who got bit by a red ant and then mysteriously went to first grade (we all thought it was because of the way he handled the ant bite, but now I think he was just super smart!); I walked to school with my best friend, Melissa, who lived one street over.  I'm sure Freweini will have her memories of kindergarten:  her best friend, Margot; Mrs. Williamson; being the boss of the playground!

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