August 6, 2011

Summer Basketball

Freweini played summer basketball at the downtown YMCA this summer. She had a blast! And let me tell you, once she figured out how to dribble and shoots, there was no stopping her. She was like a little Kobe Bryant! I was the only parent yelling, “pass the ball!”. All the other parents were yelling, “get the ball!”. Here's a picture of her in her practice get up. Yep, that's right, she's practices in a flower skirt and a bright green shirt.

The Lakers won their last game, as you can see below.
Laura,  Ronnie and Hallie  as well as Gigi were there for her final game. We had a couple of different coaches, depending on who could make it to the games. One of the dads was most regular, but the other coach is one of of her buddies from camp at the YMCA, Supa Dupa. She handed out her first ever trophy.

We really like the YMCA. And Freweini has enjoyed her first season as a point guard.

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