January 31, 2012

What does Freweini want to be when she grows up?

Teacher/Doctor - Freweini has said that she wants to be a teacher doctor.  She wants to go to school and be a teacher and then go to more school and be a doctor and then do both!  She's had some great examples of all of those in her life so far - Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Wickham; Dr. Ellyn; and Sosi.  And, of course, she wants to be an Aggie!  Although, she did tell me that she thought about Rice, too, because it's close to home and Texas A&M is a looooong car trip.  So, we'll see - we consistently say that she can do/be anything she wants to - but she has to wait to get married and have babies until she's finished with school and has a job and can support herself and only then if her Dad and brothers approve.  And, Freweini applies all those rules suggestions to everybody else, so get ready for her questions - we're always on guard :)

1 comment:

  1. An Aggie??? What are you doing to our precious baby girl??!!! :) Love that you started blogging again!
