September 10, 2011

No More Top Front Teeth!!

Freweini worked really hard this morning to pull out the second of her top two front teeth - she is really digging the whole Tooth Fairy thing!  She sat on the counter in our bathroom for 45 minutes working it out. She got to the point where she could rotate the tooth from back to front - it was gross.  Of course she was laughing the whole time!  I asked her if she wanted me to pull it out with pliers (that's how two of her other teeth have come out), but she wasn't ready for that yet.  So, she used a washcloth and held on and pulled and it came out.  And, because she pulled her own tooth out, the Tooth Fairy brought $3 (and didn't even have to steal it from the Laundry Fairy!).  She's our Snaggletooth....

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