November 17, 2010

Our Third Anniversary

Will and I have been married for three whole years, and this is our first anniversary that we've actually been together.  Our first anniversary Will was in Virginia getting ready to go to Africa; we celebrated when he came home for Thanksgiving.  Our second anniversary, Will was in Africa on deployment and we celebrated over Skype.  This year, we had a terrific day together–all three of us.

We celebrated part of our day by meeting Freweini's boyfriend.  That's right, our kindergarten girl has a boyfriend!  In the car, Freweini asked me this question: “Mom, Dad coming temetebet see boy?”  Which translated, means "Mom, is Dad coming to school to meet my boyfriend?"  You see, the night before I had told Will about taking Freweini to school that day–another boy, one not from her class, came up and gave her a hug and told her that he was glad that she was at school today. All the kids in her class said, “woooooo, Freweini's got a boyfriend!” She turned about eight shades of red. Will mentioned that he was going to have to meet this young man and make sure that he was okay. So that's what Freweini was referring to when she asked if Will was going to go to school.

So we all arrived at school. Freweini pointed out this little boy, went and got her breakfast, and then asked me to go find out her boyfriend's name.  Yep, up until today, she didn't even know his name.  Of course, I declined - he's not my boyfriend after all, but Will went over and introduced himself and learned that his name is Donovan.  He reported back to Freweini at her class table and that was that.

 So we shared our anniversary with her daughter meeting a new friend. Will came home with some beautiful flowers, we went to church, and over all had a terrific third anniversary.

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